Internal communication

Advantages of digital signage in internal communication

Digital signage is an extremely efficient tool for internal employee communication, as it offers a number of advantages over other channels. We have summarized the most important arguments for you.

Attract attention

Screens attract attention and can effectively emphasize important information or messages. The content can be designed visually by using different media formats (text, image, video, animations, etc.).

Targeted communication

Digital signage allows you to display different content in different departments / locations. This enables targeted communication in order to provide the relevant information for specific groups of employees. The result is an interesting mix of corporate content as well as department and location-specific content.

Accessibility for all employees

Digital signage is characterized by its low threshold. The screens are visible to everyone. Your posts are therefore read by all employees, regardless of whether they have a PC workstation (intranet etc.), a corporate e-mail address or have installed the employee app. In our view, the advantage of digital signage is that you can reach all employees with this medium, regardless of whether they have a PC workstation or not and regardless of how often they intrinsically use the intranet or the employee app for information. As a result, you increase the quality of your internal communication.

Time and cost savings

Compared to printed materials, there are no costs for printing and distributing the notices. The content is updated online and centrally controlled. This saves you a lot of time and ensures that the information is actually received.

Strengthening the corporate culture

With digital signage, you can help to strengthen the corporate culture by packaging values, successes and employee stories into a story and presenting them in a visually appealing way.

Emergency communication

In an emergency, you can quickly display important information on the screens to inform your employees about safety protocols or evacuation measures. For this purpose, you can use “high-priority activation”, which overrides the existin


Depending on the technologies used, employees can interact with the screens to call up further information or register for events via forms, for example. You can either use touchscreens or supplement messages with a QR code, which your employees scan using a smartphone to access the desired form / target url.

In summary, digital signage is an extremely effective tool for making important information accessible to all employees in the company and thus promoting employee loyalty and efficiency. However, digital signage is by no means the only medium. However, we do not see other channels as “competitors”, but are convinced that the true potential of digital signage in internal communication lies precisely in the networking of different platforms.

Internal communication

Digital signage and employee app
a perfect symbiosis

At the beginning of this year, we launched our employee app “Screenimage Mobile”. In the last few months, we have already equipped two existing and one new customer with the app. The feedback is very positive, especially regarding the combination of digital signage and employee app.

We admit it, we were a bit queasy when we decided to develop our own employee app. After all, we were still busy migrating the last customers from “screenPLAN” to “Screenimage Pro” plus the wish list of new features was still long despite more than 3 years of development, conception and quite a lot of brain power. The development of the app would in turn absorb us for months. At the same time, adding an additional medium also brings the risk of cannibalizing our own solution.

However, it was clear to us that if we wanted to fully live our vision “We simplify digital information flow” in internal communication, there was no way around our own app. Now “Screenimage Mobile” is fully ready for the market and the first customer projects clearly show the advantages of the combination of digital signage and employee app.

The screens form digital POIs (points of information) at which employees can obtain information when they are working on site. The advantage of the screens is that the content is also perceived as you walk by and you don’t have to actively “go out of your way” to find it. The app is strongly aimed at anyone who either works in a home office or is on the road a lot (field service, technicians, drivers, etc.). A quick glance at the app and the employee sees the latest messages directly, regardless of time and location.

Screenimage Mobile is based on the same target groups as the digital signage solution. Depending on the department to which they belong, users are shown different channels and thus only the information that is relevant to them. Your employees can also subscribe or unsubscribe to other optional channels themselves. The result is an individual newsfeed.

Learn more about Screenimage Mobile and possibility to combine digital signage and employee app click.


What is Digital Signage?

Internal communication

“Back-To-Normal”, Or Hello “New Work”?

Our working world is constantly evolving. Changes already triggered by digitization have been further intensified by the Corona pandemic. Topics such as “new work” are no longer just buzzwords in management circles; they are becoming a tangible reality. In this article, we explain what challenges this entails and why we believe that digital signage is a solution to many problems.

Digitization has profoundly changed our work environment and will continue to do so in the future. Many processes have been automated, more and more employees have been working together on a decentralized basis and across multiple sites, and data-based knowledge has been becoming an important success driver. As a result, the requirements and needs of employees, as well as the organization of work in companies, are changing.

Becoming a Data Driven Company with Digital Signage

One feature is the focus on data based insights. In this context, the term “data-driven companies” is being used more and more frequently. Data-driven companies are said to be those that have managed to agilely adapt themselves to what the market needs using the data they have gleaned, to continuously monitor the measures they have taken, and to respond quickly and efficiently whenever it is necessary. Digital signage helps make such data visible in “day-to-day business”, integrate existing dashboards, assessments, and statistics on info boards, and thus make them accessible to employees. Combined with department-specific content of internal communication, exciting “department channels” are produced, which deliver real added value.

Dezentral und standortübergreifend

Whereas in the past it was mainly larger companies and corporations that explored the idea of cross-site collaboration, in times when more and more employees do part of their work in a home office, this has become an issue that affects a large proportion of companies. Consequently, collaboration tools, such as Slack, Jira, or MS Planner, have been introduced to organize teamwork more efficiently. To keep track of all the tools, notifications, and status messages, it is possible to create multiple views and integrate them into your digital signage system. For instance, screens can be used to give an overview of the project status for different tools or stand-up meetings. As a result, less coordination and more efficient cooperation are achieved.

It is no coincidence then that just this year we were commissioned to develop Corporate Newsroom and a Store Floor Management solutions for two international companies.

Digital signage and home office a contradiction?

Absolutely not! On the one hand, it is clear that only a small proportion of employees will continue to work 100% remotely in the future, and on the other hand, there are still many jobs in every company where on-site presence is still absolutely essential. Central points of information help employees quickly pick up and process relevant information, regardless of whether they work on site every day or just a few days a week.

Is Digital Signage Too One-Dimensional For You?
Create An Opportunity For Dialog.

Finally, this: Digital signage doesn’t have to be a one-way communication tool. By integrating QR codes, you create the possibility for direct interaction. By scanning the QR codes with their smartphones, employees are taken to the “landing page”. This can be a simple website or a web form. Corresponding forms can be created quickly and easily with online tools such as Surveymonkey, Typform, Google Forms or directly in the CMS of your website/intranet.

You would like to learn more about our software?

Screenimage Pro

Internal communication

Digital Signage Trends 2022

Our working world is constantly evolving. Changes already triggered by digitization have been further intensified by the Corona pandemic. Topics such as “new work” are no longer just buzzwords in management circles; they are becoming a tangible reality. In this article, we explain what challenges this entails and why we believe that digital signage is a solution to many problems.

Anzeigen von Dashboards
Bestimmt wurden auch in Ihrem Unternehmen in den letzten Jahren neue Tools eingeführt, welche dabei helfen sollen, Ihr Business noch datengetriebener auszurichten (Trello, MS PowerBI, MS Team, Qlik, Google Analytics uvm.). Die meisten dieser Tools beinhalten tolle Dashboard-Ansichten, auf denen man auf einen Blick alle relevanten Daten sieht. Diese Auswertungen können Sie relativ einfach in Ihr Digital Signage System integrieren und so für alle sichtbar machen.

Aber Achtung, um auf die Dashboards zugreifen zu können, benötigt Ihr DS-System die entsprechende Berechtigung – sei es via hinterlegtem Benutzername und Passwort, SSO oder einem Access Token. Die entsprechenden Prozesse und Technologien müssen in Ihre Digital Signage Software integriert werden. Je sensitiver die anzuzeigenden Daten sind, umso höher sind die Zugriffshürden. Wenn immer möglich empfehlen wir, die Daten via Schnittstelle anstatt als Webseite / I-Frame einzubinden.

Interaktivität / Mobile App
Touchscreens are not new, but many companies are still reluctant to use them. There are various reasons for this: On the one hand, only the person standing directly in front of the screen can read the content, and on the other hand, the addressees have to actively search for the corresponding information. In cases where this is desired, however, touch solutions are a great thing.

Noch viel weitreichendere Möglichkeiten bietet in unseren Augen der Einsatz von Digital Signage Inhalten auf Tablets und Smartphones. Hier scheinen die Anwendungsbereiche beinahe unbegrenzt. So kann das Handy beispielsweise dazu genutzt werden, mehr Informationen zu den einzelnen Beiträgen der Screens abzufragen, Digital Signage Inhalte zu personalisieren oder gar den Bildschirm damit zu steuern.

Wir sind überzeugt, dass durch die Schnittstelle zwischen Smartphone und Digital Signage Screen noch viele weitere interessante Möglichkeiten entstehen. Deshalb sehen wird das Thema gar als Top-Trend für die nächsten 2-3 Jahre. Natürlich lassen wir uns dies nicht entgehen und haben im letzten Jahr sehr intensiv an einer eigenen App «Screenimage Mobile» gearbeitet. Die ersten Kunden nehmen die App in diesem Frühjahr in Betrieb.
Mehr Infos zu «Screenimage Mobile»

Einsatz interne Kommunikation
Wer hat’s erfunden? Ja okay, wir geben es zu, wir sind nicht die einzigen, die früh erkannt haben, dass sich die Vorteile von Digital Signage bei Public Screens auch für die interne Kommunikation aufdrängen.

Considering how often we are distracted by chat, emails, intranets and other tools to improve communication in our daily work, it is hard to expect employees to filter all this information properly and absorb only the relevant ones.

The opposite problem is experienced by the numerous employees without a PC workstation. They are often somewhat forgotten in the context of digitization in internal communication, as they have no or only reduced access to the corresponding tools.

This is exactly where digital signage comes in for internal communication. The screens serve as central points of information. Digital blackboards that exclusively display information that is relevant for the corresponding target group (department / business unit). In this way, employees can access the information that is important to them in a very low-threshold manner, without having to struggle for it or being inundated with other less relevant content.

You would like to learn more about our software?

Screenimage Pro