Digital signage is an extremely efficient tool for internal employee communication, as it offers a number of advantages over other channels. We have summarized the most important arguments for you.
Attract attention
Screens attract attention and can effectively emphasize important information or messages. The content can be designed visually by using different media formats (text, image, video, animations, etc.).
Targeted communication
Digital signage allows you to display different content in different departments / locations. This enables targeted communication in order to provide the relevant information for specific groups of employees. The result is an interesting mix of corporate content as well as department and location-specific content.
Accessibility for all employees
Digital signage is characterized by its low threshold. The screens are visible to everyone. Your posts are therefore read by all employees, regardless of whether they have a PC workstation (intranet etc.), a corporate e-mail address or have installed the employee app. In our view, the advantage of digital signage is that you can reach all employees with this medium, regardless of whether they have a PC workstation or not and regardless of how often they intrinsically use the intranet or the employee app for information. As a result, you increase the quality of your internal communication.
Time and cost savings
Compared to printed materials, there are no costs for printing and distributing the notices. The content is updated online and centrally controlled. This saves you a lot of time and ensures that the information is actually received.
Strengthening the corporate culture
With digital signage, you can help to strengthen the corporate culture by packaging values, successes and employee stories into a story and presenting them in a visually appealing way.
Emergency communication
In an emergency, you can quickly display important information on the screens to inform your employees about safety protocols or evacuation measures. For this purpose, you can use “high-priority activation”, which overrides the existin
Depending on the technologies used, employees can interact with the screens to call up further information or register for events via forms, for example. You can either use touchscreens or supplement messages with a QR code, which your employees scan using a smartphone to access the desired form / target url.
In summary, digital signage is an extremely effective tool for making important information accessible to all employees in the company and thus promoting employee loyalty and efficiency. However, digital signage is by no means the only medium. However, we do not see other channels as “competitors”, but are convinced that the true potential of digital signage in internal communication lies precisely in the networking of different platforms.