You guessed it, our answer is unsurprisingly yes. You can find out how to do this in this article. For all those who want to avoid the technical details and prefer to test the software directly. We will be happy to create a free demo account for you at any time.
Dynamic content distribution instead of playlists
Unlike most digital signage software, Screenimage Pro has been relying on dynamic content distribution for years. This means that you create a post and assign it to a target group (screen group or individual screen). From this point on, the software takes over. A loop is assigned to each screen or player. This determines the order in which the content from the various sources (manual input, data feeds) is played and thus creates an exciting mix of posts.
So far so good, but what exactly is the advantage over playlists?
The question is legitimate, first of all, how does the distribution of content via playlists work? In the playlist logic, each recorded post and the content from feeds is strung together to form a playlist, similar to a PowerPoint presentation, before the playlist can be assigned to a screen or a screen group. This step is omitted in Screenimage Pro.
Anyone who has ever worked with a larger and more complex digital signage system (different users, data sources, screen areas) with playlist logic knows how time-consuming this assignment is. In these cases, a central content manager is often defined to handle the assignment. We believe that you should save yourself this extra effort by letting Screenimage Pro do the work for you.
But how do I determine the order of the contributions?
Not at all, because the software takes over the allocation depending on your configuration. A new post is assigned directly and expired posts are automatically removed. Unlike a PowerPoint presentation, a digital signage loop does not need a beginning and end. Because you don’t know when a person steps in front of the screen and how long they stay in front of it. The mix of relevant and current topics is decisive for the dwell time. Of course, there are also individual cases in which a coherent slideshow template makes sense, but then again only as part of the overall loop.
Incidentally, in Screenimage Pro you do not need to load images & videos into the media library before you can use them, but simply “drag & drop” them into the post. We also do not limit data storage